% Template for University of Warwick Thesis
% Created by Samuel A. Maloney in 2023/2024
% Inspired by template from M Hadley and S Royle in Overleaf Gallery
% Check the "Presentation of thesis" information here:
% https://warwick.ac.uk/services/dc/submission/gtehdr/
% This template assumes a single volume thesis.
% Two-sided printing is accepted for the final hard bound version for the
% Library as of the time of this writing (March, 2024)
% \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,twoside,openright,extrafontsizes]{memoir}
% \usepackage{bm} % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/3238/bm-package-versus-boldsymbol
% The only package option is the margin, with a default of 4cm on each side
% I've changed to using biblatex instead of natbib for more flexibility
% https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Bibliography_management_with_biblatex
% Unfortunately TeXLive 2023 causes nameref to warn about \label being changed, which memoir does until summer 2023, after TeXLive 2023 was released
\usepackage{silence} % for WarningFilter
\WarningFilter{nameref}{The definition of \label has changed!}
\usepackage{multirow} % for table cells spanning multiple rows
% \usepackage{varioref}
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % This should generally be loaded 2nd to last
\usepackage[nameinlink,noabbrev]{cleveref} % This should almost certainly be loaded last
% Add .bib file
% These macros adjust/fix bibliography entries.
% I've left them in case they are helpful, but feel free to delete or modify
% if doi is present, clear issn, isbn, and url fields so they are not printed
% fix issue with Mendeley import improperly escaping underscores in doi field
\step[fieldsource=doi, match=\regexp{\{\\_\}}, replace=\regexp{_}]
% These relax the line-breaking rules for urls in the bibliography to try and
% prevent lines extending past the right margin (overfull hbox warnings).
% Try uncommenting more/different lines if this is an issue for you.
\setcounter{biburlnumpenalty}{9000} % URL breaking after numbers
% \setcounter{biburllcpenalty}{7000} % URL breaking lowercase letters
% \setcounter{biburlucpenalty}{8000} % URL breaking uppercase letters
% This command shifts the margins for the document to provide a 4cm inside
% margin to accomodate physical binding. The default uses equal margins, which
% is best for PDF submission, but shifted is likely better for bound printing.
% \shiftmarginsforbinding
% Required Details for the title page and library form
% The full title of the thesis and the subtitle, if any
\title{Catchy Title for Your Thesis: Perhaps With a Descriptive Subtitle}
% The full name of the author, followed, if desired, by any qualifications and distinctions
\author{John Everyman Smith}
% The month and year of submission (or resubmission)
\date{March 2024}
% The full name of the qualification for which the thesis is submitted (e.g. Doctor of Philosophy in Physics)
\qualification{Doctor of Philosophy in ...}
% The name of the department, school or centre in which the research was conducted (e.g. Department of Physics)
\department{Department of ...}
% Your university number, used on Library Declaration and Deposit Agreement form
% Optional selections for the Library Declaration and Deposit Agreement form
% Uncomment the following line to refuse to allow the thesis to be photocopied.
% Agreement to allow photocopying is the default.
% \photocopydonotagree
% Uncomment one of the following lines to change the embargo conditions for
% public availability of your thesis.
% The first option (both immediately available) is the default
% \renewcommand*{\availabilitystatement}{Both the hard and digital copy thesis can be made publicly available immediately.}
% \renewcommand*{\availabilitystatement}{The hard copy thesis can be made publicly available immediately and the digital copy thesis can be made publicly available after a period of two years (\emph{should you subsequently wish to reduce the embargo period please inform the Library}).}
% \renewcommand*{\availabilitystatement}{Both the hard and digital copy thesis can be made publicly available after a period of two years (\emph{should you subsequently wish to reduce the embargo period please inform the Library}).}
% Don't forget to modify your specific embargo period if using this option
% \renewcommand*{\availabilitystatement}{Both the hard copy and digital copy thesis can be made publicly available after \rule{1in}{0.4pt} (insert time period in excess of two years). \textbf{This option requires the prior approval of the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies (see 2.3 above)}.}
% The abbreviation definitions have to come before the \begin{document}
% Generate the Library Declaration and Deposit Agreement form.
% N.B. This is before the \frontmatter because it is not part of the actual
% thesis and so should not be included in the page numbering.
% \libraryform
% Separating the contents into different files is just for organisation:
% the \input macro simply inserts the contents of the indicated file.
% This sets the page numbers to be printed in arabic numerals, restarts
% the page numbering from 1, and begins numbering of sectional divisions.
% This is where the main content of your thesis should be input.
% One file per chapter is likely the most sensible unit for organisation.
% This grouping and its contained commands help with line-breaking and
% justification in the bibliography, which is often problematic.
\hbadness 10000\relax
\printbibliography % this actually prints the bibliography
% Uncomment the following lines to begin adding appendices.
% \appendix
% \chapter{Title of first appendix}
% This is an appendix.