%% !!! To use APA7 referencing style please see https://tex.my/2022/06/05/using-apa7-with-usmthesis/ !!!
%% !!! As of Jan 2023, usmthesis on Github will be maintained and updated by wnarifin at https://github.com/wnarifin/usmthesis !!!
%% usmthesis.cls 2024/02/05 version V1.7_JBH_Ooi_6
% Since there have been no noticeable updates, I have updated the usmthesis.cls
% and usmthesis.tex files to make the output closer to USM Thesis Template V1.6.
% I am not a professional LaTeX user, so perhaps there are cleaner ways to achieve
% the changes that I have made. Regardless, I hope this helps until USM finally
% provides their own LaTeX template. This uses APA 7th Ed.
% Exact changes can be found in the comments and usmthesis.cls. I have added some
% new features that you might find useful. Refer to the official documentation or
% LaTeX Stack Exchange on how those packages work.
% Many thanks to Lim Lian Tze and wnarrfin for maintaining the codes so far.
% P.S. I just got some feedback from IPS about some tweaks that I needed to make,
% which is contradictory to their given Word template (in typical USM IPS fashion),
% so this is hopefully the final version of the LaTeX template.
% Joseph Boon Han, Ooi
% School of Physics, USM
% 05 Feb 2024
%% usmthesis.cls 2016/12/08 version V1.7.
%% Due to the recent numerous changes requested by IPS, USM to different
%% candidates -- often conflicting even within the same week -- without much
%% consistency nor in black in white, I have found it increasingly difficult
%% to maintain a coherent version. I have therefore decided to provide some
%% options that seem to be favored by IPS on different occasions; but will no
%% longer update the template until an updated formatting guidelines with clear
%% instructions and concrete samples is published.
%% Individual requests for help to modify this version for your needs will be
%% handled on a case by case basis, depending on my mood, perhaps for a fee.
%% Requests for help to modify past versions will NOT be entertained.
%% Please read http://tex.my/how-to-ask-for-latex-related-help-effectively/.
%% (Yes I'm that tired and frustrated. I know everyone just want to graduate,
%% but I am by now genuinely put off by the tone of some requests with rude
%% attitudes, unclear descriptions, flip-flopping conditions, etc for something
%% that was originally for my own use.)
%% Usmthesis _was_ fun; but it has ceased to be so for me.
%% Submit a git pull request on https://github.com/liantze/usmthesis
%% if you wish to contribute your changes. No timeframe is set for approvals.
%% I cannot check through any edited usmthesis.cls of any version without
%% CVS.
%% Oh and if you'd like to adapt this template (the .cls and/or the .tex) for
%% your institution, that's perfectly fine, but at least keep the license
%% (LPPL 1.3) and the original author (me) won't you? It's just normal decency.
%% THANK you. :-)
%% Joseph Ooi:
% From line 2. Use these settings for APA 7th Ed. Comment out if not needed.
% Refer to https://tex.my/2022/06/05/using-apa7-with-usmthesis/ for more
% information. Credits to Lim Lian Tze for the fix.
%% If you prefer -- and have been allowed -- to use
%% Arial, then
%% \documentclass[arial]{usmthesis}
%% It's not really Arial, it's a Helvetica look-alike,
%% but if you're not a designer nor a typographer, you
%% probably can't tell the difference (I can't either)
%% singespacetitle - Make title on cover and title
%% page single-spaced.
%% chapnumwords — Make chapter titles be `Chapter One'
%% tocchapnumwords — Make the ToC use `Chaper One' too
%% (Engineering IPS seems to like the above two settings)
%% tocpage These options will add a ``Page'' label at the
%% lotpage top of the Table of Contents, List of Tables,
%% lofpage List of Figures and List of Plates respectively.
%% loppage I don't know lah, one moment IPS says must add at
%% the top of all these lists; one month later say
%% only the ToC, a few months later say don't add at all.
%% Find, mix-and-match yourself based on the instrustions you got.
%% tocCAPSfront - Sometimes IPS wants the ``Table of Contents'', ``List of
%% Figures'', ``Abstract'' etc to be all-caps in the ToC;
%% sometimes they don't. Use this option to make them ALL CAPS.
%% tocCAPSref - Similar to the above but for the ``References''.
%% tocCAPSapp - Similar to the above but for the ``Appendices''.
singlespacetitle, % Make title on cover page singlespaced
% chapnumwords,tocchapnumwords, %% ``Chapter One'' I think Engineering like this
% tocpage, % Put ``Page'' at top of ToC. Add lotpage, lofpage, loppage if
lotpage, lofpage, loppage, % ``Page'' is also needed for LoT, LoF and LoP.
tocCAPSfront, % Make ``List of Tables'' etc in ToC CAPS
tocCAPSref, % Make ``References'' in ToC CAPS
tocCAPSapp, % Make ``Appendices'' in ToC CAPS
% This is usmthesis.tex, 6 Dec 2016. READ THE COMMENTS.
% Some formattings are easiest changed by uncommenting
% some lines in this .tex file or by changing certain
% options.
% Created by Lim Lian Tze (Ph.D.)
% liantze@gmail.com
% http://liantze.penguinattack.org.
% Updated by Joseph Boon Han, Ooi (V4, 04 Oct 2023)
%% Example of loading other packages that you may require.
%% I'm loading the marvosym package so that I can produce a
%% smiley face with the command \Smiley.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Loaded longtable package for tables that may span several pages.
% This may be useful as an alternative to table. Refer to the
% documentation for usage. Safe to leave alone. If you decide to
% remove this, remove the following setting as well.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Change spacing between lines in longtable for p and m columns.
% Use P{length} instead of p{length} to reduce vertical spacing.
% Use M{length} to have both reduced vertical spacing and centred
% vertical alignment in longtable.
% This might also work with normal tables. Haven't checked that.
%% Also, the enumitem package is great for customising
%% list environments.
%% Listings is a nice package for typesetting code
%% listings. Other possible packages include fancyvrb,
%% minted, etc.
%% For those who need to produce algorithms and pseudocode.
%% There are a number of different packages available, but
%% unfortunately they tend not to work well together!
%% I'm using algorithmicx, specifically algpseucode, here.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% In case you save your figures in a separate folders like
% folder_1, folder_2, ... within the main directory, add
% \graphicspath{{./folder_1/}{./folder_2/}}
% then you can just type filename.png etc. without needing to
% specify the full path name to your figures
%% Enter particulars about your thesis HERE
% Your Name
\author{Joseph Ooi \& Lim Lian Tze}
% English title of your thesis
\title{Writing Your Thesis with LaTeX with a Very, Very, Very Long Title}
% Malay title of your thesis
\titlems{Penulisan Tesis dengan LaTeX}
% Year submitted
% Month submitted
%% Choose only 1 degree type! :-)
\degreetype{Doctor of Philosphy}
% \degreetype{Master of Science}
% You can comment out the following line if you don't have a
% "List of Own Publications". And make it all caps yourself
% if it needs to be all caps in the ToC.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Comment out regardless when using APA 7th Ed.
% \newcites{own}{LIST OF PUBLICATIONS}
% Options for generating hyperlinks when using pdfLaTeX
% Default bibliography style is apa (using
% \RequirePackage[natbibapa]{apacite} in the class file).
% If you prefer the number system though, use bibliography
% style "plainnat" for [1][2][3] or "alpha" for [Jon94] (the label
% will be auto-generated).
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Comment out both \bibliographystyle{apacite} and
% \bibliographystyleown{apacite} regardless when using APA 7th Ed.
% \bibliographystyle{apacite}
% \bibliographystyleown{apacite}
% Inserts the cover page (the hard cover with gold-lettering)
% and the title page
% MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A acknowledgements.tex FILE
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Added vertical spacing to be consistent with the rest
% of the text after frontmatter. Ensure that value here
% is the same as the one just after settings for List
% of Abbreviations.
\tableofcontents \clearpage
\listoftables \clearpage
\listoffigures \clearpage
% You can comment out the following line if you don't
% have a "List of Plates"
\listofplates \clearpage
% You can comment out the following line if you don't
% have a "List of Acronyms"
%% Joseph Ooi
% You can comment out the following line if you don't
% have a "List of Appendices"
\listofappendix \clearpage
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Paragraph spacing (originally 18pt)
% Text-float spacing (originally 24pt)
% Your Malay and English abstracts, each in one file.
% The actual chapters of your thesis as listed in
% mainchaps.tex. Make sure you have the relevant
% chapter files.
% E.g. if you mainchaps.tex contains the lines
% \include{hypothesis.tex}
% \include{proof.tex}
% Then you MUST have the files hypothesis.tex, proof.tex
% (containing the relevant chapters) in the same directory
% as mainchaps.tex.
% The bibliography. Turn on page numbering.
%%%% Soooo if IPS says there should be 5cm top margin
%%%% on the ``References'' heading page, uncomment the
%%%% line just before and after \bibliography. Repeat for
%%%% \bibliographyown if necessary
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Seems like extra spacing is not needed now.
%% Increase spacing before chapter heading (@)
% \titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{\dimexpr2.5cm-50pt}{\baselineskip}
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Comment out following when using APA 7th Ed. Uncomment if needed.
% \bibliography{mybib}
%% now change it back to normal if (@) is used.
% \titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{-50pt}{\baselineskip}
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Use these settings for APA 7th Ed. Comment out if not needed.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% If IPS doesn't want items in the appendices showing up in
% LoF, LoT, LoP, uncomment the following line.
% \captionsetup{list=no}
% The appendices.
% If you don't have any, you may delete everything below,
% until and including \input{appendices}.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% I have added some required settings. Check the comments.
% Use \appchapter instead of \chapter for Appendices.
% If IPS wants to change the bold settings for Appendices in
% ToC, check line 835 in usmthesis.cls.
%% * If IPS says they don't want any page numbering in the footer,
%% add \pagestyle{empty}
%% * If they don't want any page numbering in the ToC either,
%% add \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\cftpagenumbersoff{chap}}
%% * If they say they don't want Appendix A, B, C... to appear
%% in the ToC either, add next line (*). Then refer to line (#).
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Change title format for appendices to best match USM Template V1.6.
% Kept the Appendices page as it is much neater and clear to use.
% Apparently the whole appendix title is centred according to the
% IPS template. Not eleganto! (IYKYK)
% The tab space used in USM's template is 1.27cm, but here I used
% 1.25cm. No particular reason, I just wanted nice half divisions.
% The list of own publications. If you don't have one, you may
% comment out the next lines until before /end{document}.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% No page number for List of Publications, so this original line
% has been commented out.
% \assignpagestyle{\chapter}{plain}
% Uncomment/comment this line if you need the List of Publications
% to be bold/not bold in the ToC.
%% Joseph Ooi: Apparently we need it to be bold now, so...
%% Joseph Ooi:
% (#) Add this line to make List of Publications appear in
% ToC if (*) is used. Restores hyperlink in ToC.
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Comment out following when using APA 7th Ed.
% \nociteown{lim:2007,lim:latextypesetting}
% \bibliographyown{mybib}
%% Joseph Ooi:
% Use these settings for APA 7th Ed. Comment out if not needed.
% You can comment out the next 4 lines if you don't have a
% "List of Own Publications". And make it all caps yourself
% if it needs to be all caps in the ToC.
\printbibliography[title={LIST OF PUBLICATIONS},heading=bibintoc]