%% Use Roman numerals for the page numbers of the title pages and table of
%% contents.
%% Uncomment following 19 lines for a cover with a picture on the lower half only
%\subtitle[tudelft-cyan]{Optional subtitle}
%\author[tudelft-white]{J.\ Random Author}
%\affiliation{Technische Universiteit Delft}
% \textbf{Cover Text} \\
% possibly \\
% spanning
% multiple
% lines
% \vfill
% ISBN 000-00-0000-000-0
%% Uncomment following 16 lines for a cover with a picture on the lower half only
\subtitle[tudelft-black]{Optional subtitle}
\author[tudelft-white]{J.\ Random Author}
\affiliation{Technische Universiteit Delft}
\textbf{Cover Text} \\
possibly \\
ISBN 000-00-0000-000-0
%% Include an optional title page.
%% Use Arabic numerals for the page numbers of the chapters.
%% Use letters for the chapter numbers of the appendices.