%loads the class that provides the titlepage and some general packages.
%add the additional packages and macros that you want to use
% important update for glossaries, before document
\loadglsentries{C) Back Matter/acronyms.tex}
\loadglsentries{C) Back Matter/glossary.tex}
\makeglossaries %https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/glossaries
%shows fixme notes
%\fxsetup{status=draft} % comment/delete this line if you want to your final output
\usepackage[ngerman, british]{babel} %if changed to \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} "Table of contents" changes to "Inhaltsverzeichnis", "abstract" becomes "Zusammenfassung" and "references" is translated to "Literatur".
%remove all the things you don't need and add all the things you need. you can also change the order of the elements at your will.
%Start with front matter
%Choose the titlepage you want to use
\input{A) Front Matter/titlepage} %Creates the titlepage
%\input{A) Front Matter/titlepage_bsc} %Creates the titlepage
%\input{A) Front Matter/titlepage_phd} %Creates the titlepage
\input{A) Front Matter/acknowledgements} %adds the aknowledgements
\input{A) Front Matter/abstracts} % adds the abstract
\input{A) Front Matter/kurzfassung} %adds the "Kurzfassung"in german.
% Use an optional list of tables / figures / algorithms / listings(code).
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Algorithms}
%add your chapters here
\input{B) Chapters/00_using_the_template}
\input{B) Chapters/01_ordinary_text}
\input{B) Chapters/02_displayed_text}
\input{B) Chapters/03_tables_and_images}
\input{B) Chapters/04_code}
\input{B) Chapters/05_algorithms}
\input{B) Chapters/06_acronyms_and_glossary}
\input{B) Chapters/07_macros}
%add your sources in the bib file and change the style here
%add your end matter here
\input{C) Back Matter/appendix}