% Flag to disable all editing macros and make the document ready for
% submission.
% Editing mode.
% % Submission mode.
% % The `submission' mode merges certain comments and edits, and removes some
% % other notes, TODOs and remarks. For more details, refer to the `reviewing
% % macros' in the `vusec.sty' file.
% \EditModefalse
%% Thesis title.
\newcommand{\thesistitle}{My Thesis: what, why, and how?}
%% Author information.
%% (Used in a couple of places, so it's better to define them in one place.)
\newcommand{\thauthor}{Full-Name1, Full-Name2}
\newcommand{\thauthorid}{VUnetID1, VUnetID2}
\newcommand{\thauthoraff}{Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam}
%% Thesis type.
%% Valid values are `vubachelor', `csmaster', `pdcsmaster', and `litstudy'.
% \thtype{csmaster}
%% Thesis title.
%% Paper/thesis author.
%% First supervisor.
% \thsvfirst{First supervisor's name}{First supervisor's title}
%% Daily supervisor.
% \thsvdaily{Daily supervisor's name}{Daily supervisor's title}
%% Second reader.
% \thrdrsecond{Second reader's name}{Second reader's title}
%% Attach customize front matter.
\country{The Netherlands}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: