\documentclass[english,12pt,onehalfspacing,oneside]{Thesis_Class} % The class file specifying the document structure
% BS Thesis (COMSATS University Islamabad)
% Class File
% Version 1.1 (19/04/21)
% This class has been downloaded from: http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% and tailored as per requirement by
% Mirza Akbar Ali for COMSATS University Islamabad
% We sincerely acknowledge all the previous contributors to this class file.
% Class license:
% LPPL v1.3c (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl)
\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % Required to generate language-dependent quotes in the bibliography
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\tikzstyle{box} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=0.5cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white!30]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\let\oldhat\hat \renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \renewcommand{\hat}[1]{\oldhat{\mathbf{#1}}}
% %
% Student Information Goes Down Here %
% %
\thesistitle{Write Your Thesis Title Here}
% Your thesis title, print it elsewhere with \ttitle
\author{Your Name}
% Your name, print it elsewhere with \authorname
\registrationnumber{CIIT/Registration No/ISB}
% Your registration number, print it elsewhere with \regnum
\supervisor{Supervisor Name}
% Your supervisor's name, print it elsewhere with \supname
% Supervisor's designation, print it elsewhere with \supdes
\cosupervisor{Co Supervisor}
% Your co-supervisor's name, print it elsewhere with \cosupname
% Co-supervisor's designation, print it elsewhere with \cosupdes
\hod{HoD Name}
% HoD's name, print it elsewhere with \hodname
\hodtitle{HoD Title} % Professor May be
% HoD's title, print it elsewhere with \htitle
\examiner{Examiner Name}
% Your examiner's name, print it elsewhere with \examname
\examineraddress{Department of Physics \\ ABCD University, Islamabbad}
% Examiner's affiliation, print it elsewhere with \examaddress
% Your degree name, print it elsewhere with \degreename
\department{Department of Physics }
% Your department's name, print it elsewhere with \deptname
\university{COMSATS University Islamabad}
% Your university's name and URL, print it elsewhere with \univname
\keywords{ }
% Keywords for your thesis, print it elsewhere with \keywordnames
% %
% Frontmatter %
% %
% You can comment these for easy compiling
% Table of contents
\tableofcontents% Prints the main table of contents
\listoffigures % Prints the list of figures
\listoftables % Prints the list of tables
% Abbreviations
\include{./TexFrontmatter/Abbreviations} %if you want to iclude abbreviations then to the the folder TexFrontmatter and add your abreviations there. If you do not want to add abbreviations then you can just put a % in start of this line whereit calls the file of abbreviations.
% Physical constants
\include{TexFrontmatter/PhysicalConstants} % uncomment to include list of physical constants
\include{TexFrontmatter/Symbols} % uncomment to include the list of symbols
% Thesis chapters (Include the chapters of the thesis as separate files from the Chapters folder)
\mainmatter % Begin numeric (1,2,3...) page numbering
\pagestyle{thesis} % Return the page headers back to the "thesis" style
% %
% Chapters of Your Thesis %
% %
% %
% Bibliography %
% %
% %
% Appendices %
% %
% Appendices ( Include the appendices of the thesis as separate files from the Appendices folder)
%\appendix % Cue to tell LaTeX that the following "chapters" are Appendices